So you want to give origami a go, but you can’t get hold of any origami paper? No problem! Just follow this simple guide and you’ll be able to make your own square origami paper from any regular sheets you have lying about.
Start off with a regular sheet of paper – plain white photocopier paper is fine, although I’m using a coloured sheet here so you can see the process a bit better.
Fold the bottom left corner diagonally up to meet the top of the sheet. What was the left-hand edge of the paper should now be level with the top edge.
The best way to trim the sheet is with [a sharp knife and a steel safety ruler]( I’m using a cutting mat here to protect my table, but folded up newspaper works just as well. If you don’t have these, then fold the excess paper back and forth over the edge of the square, lick the fold to moisten it, and then carefully tear down the line. You’ll get a neater edge that way – just watch out for paper cuts.
That’s it- you’ve now got a square of paper, and you can go and fold some great origami models.
Just to prove you can do this with any size of sheet, I’ll do the same with the off-cut from the larger square.
Fold the corner across the paper…
…Cut or tear, and there you go – a smaller piece of square origami paper.
Enjoy making your models!
I love this website, IT ROCKS i learnt heaps from it. Thank-you Papercrafty
Hey Rob, when is the sneak preview gonna be done?
Hi, i love this website and i only foud it 2 minutes ago on google! (\(^.^)/)
I do the same thing when i’m about to make oragami. If anyone knows how to make anything out of oragami, don’t be afraid to email me at:
[email protected]
its pretty good but you should get more oragami